Thursday, August 18, 2011


We have had a whirlwind few weeks...visiting Michigan and now back in school.  Pictures to come.  We stayed with Honeybug and the Stablers, visited Lili, Nolan and Baby Amelia.  Much craziness and joy!  Tree climbing, frog hunting, the farmers market, bikes and scooters and the ice cream truck... Upon return, we moved directly into the Boulders - our tile floor was not completed.  Hadley joined Mrs. Befort's 4/5 class for 4th grade and this is Sullivan's first year at BMES.  He has Mrs. Adair for 1st grade.  Hadley has tons of old friends from multi-age that were so happy to see her after the summer.  Sullivan is making fast friends and is so happy to be back in school.  If only he could take the bus...  Good quotes: "Chinese sure is different at this school" (he is now learning Spanish!) At pick-up time, he told me that he and Hadley were like "sizzling chickens" on the sidewalk while they were waiting in the pick-up line.  And he has taken to calling the waterless toothbrushes that I keep in the car "freshenators".  Too hilarious!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Iris is in the HOUSE!

On our way home from the airport, the girls immediately started doing their chants, songs, laughing at old inside jokes...  One of the chants from school they both know is a llama something or other.  "...happy llama, sad llama, something llama, something else llama, big fat llama, blobbity blah llama..momma llama, drama llama, llama, llama, llama, llama, llama"  Then they say an animal at the end.  Iris always uses Alpaca, Hadley knows it with Moose and Sullivan does not know this at all, but puts his own flair on things and shouts Pooping Pigeon from the way, way backseat.  Let the fun begin!  They've been jumping on the trampoline with the hose for an hour and a half.  The screaming and joy is is the yelling at Sully for whatever he's done now.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Honeybug Goes to Cave Creek

An El Encanto Evening
The week of the 4th of July, Honeybug came West for a visit.  She turned 66!  Here are some highlights...  Visiting Target (Hbug gave Sully a giftcard) and picking out Lego Alien Tripod, night swimming, monsoons and the electricity going off - to pass the time, we sang "In a Cabin" opera style, mani/pedi for Hbug and Hgirl, new shoes for Hgirl from Hbug, Happy Hour daily, Hbug cooking and cleaning and getting Lola to sleep, Stickbug was found, loved and painfully let go...  So much fun was had by all!
Lola loves "Hello my name is Flo"!
Making spaghetti sauce for the freezer
Pants as a hat, of course
Happy Birthday Honeybug
Beloved Stickbug
Night Swimming
Beautiful shoes for Hadley

Friday, July 1, 2011


Tom and I have just learned that Hadley and Sullivan have been tobagganing down the stairs on the trundle bed mattress.  It was hard to stifle the laughter while telling them in a serious lady voice this most definitely was not allowed.  I'm wondering where I was?  I have previously allowed sliding down the stairs in a sleeping bag (a la Grampa Bullinger's house)...this clearly is the better version.  On a side note, Sullivan has asked me to stop sending grapes in his lunchbox..."I don't enjoy the wrappers".

Monday, June 27, 2011

Getting Better

Practicing photo additions...I don't yet understand how to transfer pics from the camera, but can upload the phone!  Perhaps I will ask Hadley when she gets home from camp.  I am learning so much it hurts.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

First Attempt

Learning to upload photos...I feel empowered!!!  Next, figuring out how to send photos from my phone to the blog...I can totally do this.  

Saturday, June 25, 2011

In the Beginning

Inspired to capture memories, but time challenged and tech ridiculous.  Next, Shutterfly or some such medium! Must contact Nam and find out how to add photos to my new blog. Fun stuff to come...